About Us

Transforming Locks with Vibrant Hues: Unveiling the Art of Hair Color Dyeing

About Us

Serving Since 1950

Our Story

This site is called HairColorDrop and it is a platform that provides professional hair coloring services. They have been serving customers since 2005

This site is a platform for a hair coloring service. They offer professional hair color kits and assistance to help you achieve your desired hair color. You can book appointments, fill out consultation forms, and receive personalized recommendations from their team of colorists.

Our Vision

Our vision at HairColorDrop is to revolutionize hair color dyeing, transcending conventional norms to offer innovative, personalized solutions. We aspire to empower individuals by providing a spectrum of vibrant, long-lasting colors and sustainable dyeing techniques that redefine self-expression and confidence. Through cutting-edge research, creativity, and dedication, we aim to set new benchmarks in the industry, enhancing both beauty and sustainability in hair care.

The Innovative World of Haircolor Drop

Welcome to the fascinating world of Haircolor Drop, where innovation meets convenience in the realm of hair color. Our story begins with Carolina Vengoechea, a trailblazer in the mobile salon business. Hailing from a family deeply rooted in hairstyling, Carolina's journey led her from the family salon to the forefront of a revolutionary concept that has transformed the way people approach hair coloring.

Growing up surrounded by hairstylists, Carolina recognized the need for a more efficient and time saving solution for hair enthusiasts. With a vision to bridge the gap between hairstylists and clients, she expanded to Haircolor Drop. The essence of our platform lies in connecting clients with skilled hairstylists in their vicinity, providing them with a seamless experience tailored to their busy lives.

Carolina's brainchild offers clients the flexibility to engage in virtual consultations, empowering them to discuss their hair needs with experienced professionals. Whether you're looking for a quick retouch on the go, preparing for a last-minute event, or simply seeking a convenient way to maintain your hair color, Haircolor Drop has you covered.

One of the standout features of our platform is the ability to order a customized hair coloring kit, delivered to your doorstep within 24 hours. This not only ensures the quality of professional-grade products but also adds an element of convenience to your hair care routine.

Carolina, based in vibrant Miami with her daughter, has successfully applied this concept to her own clientele, earning their love and loyalty. The platform not only saves time for clients but also provides hairstylists with an opportunity to generate extra income without the traditional constraints of standing on their feet for extended hours.

Driven by her passion for this innovative concept, Carolina aims to share the benefits with the wider haircolorist community. Even her retired mother, a font of knowledge in haircolor theory, can continue applying her expertise and earning income comfortably from home. Haircolor Drop isn't just a platform; it's a community where hairstylists and clients come together to redefine the way we approach hair coloring.

Join us on this exciting journey as we revolutionize the hair care industry, one drop at a time. Haircolor Drop - Where Your Hair Deserves the Best!